Wit Studios, which is known for animating famous anime like Attack on Titan and Spy X Family, is currently reanimating the big anime One Piece. The studio has started their work and the pictures have been released across the internet.
One Piece is a top anime written by Eichiro Oda that was released in 1999, being one of the oldest and longest running anime series till date. In their statement, Wit has said that they will focus on cutting down fillers and unwanted stories and they will focus reanimating on main stories with deep story telling as in manga, not skipping dark contents.
The proportion behind the failure of this strategy is rather low as they anime is loved by many across the globe and they will definitely wish to watch the newer animations.
Wit Studio is among the top production in the Anime world, and their works are shown sparks in the earlier season on AOT that was loved by many. Being a oldest anime, One Piece do require reanimation for an enhanced quality view and story narration.
After reanimation, One Piece anime will be released in Netflix starting from the Romance Dawn Arc, as now Toei animation has released only Wano Arc of One Piece in Netflix, but with Wit’s revamp viewers can get a whole arc of One Piece.
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