Attack on Titan makers released the final chapter of the manga adaptation of Shingeki no Kyojin as...
The Attack on Titan: The Last Attack movie was recently released in Japan and made many fans...
Some of the most viewed famous anime will resume in 2025 with its next season. The accurate...
One Piece Manga is currently focussing on revealing the hidden details of the anime. The Strawhats reached...
The Attack on Titan – Shingeki no Kyojin manga and anime came to an end. The story...
Naruto is a Shonen Jump Anime written by Mashahi Kishimoto that focuses on a kid born in...
The Japanese Anime, One Piece is currently heading to its final saga, and in the Manga chapter...
The Final Moments of Muzan Kibutsuji Muzan Kibutsuji is the main antagonist in the anime and manga...
Roronoa Zoro is an infamous swordsman in Strawhats Pirates and one of the loved characters in Onepiece....
The Strawhat Pirates led by Monkey D Luffy currently includes ten members including Luffy the Captain, Roronoa...
In Jujutsu Kaisen, the stakes are high and battles are brutal. This makes the final words even...
In Naruto, many characters see Naruto as a who reminds them of their lost person or the...
Attack on Titan, an anime adapted from the manga “Shingeki no Kyojin” which was written by Hajime...
Rorona Zoro is one of the most loyal Characters in the Onepiece following the Captain to life...
The StrawHat Grand Fleet was formed by seven pirates who wanted to serve under the Strawhat crew....
Naruto is a shonen jump anime known for its major fights in every arc, but several fights...
Hunter X Hunter is famous for the uniquely well-written characters from the optimistic person Gon Freecss to...
Demon Slayer is a popular Gen Z anime known for its story, character representation, and animation. The...
Naruto Shippuden is a shonen anime written by Kishimoto which is the post-skip continuation animated series of...
One Piece, written by Eichiro Oda is one of the most loved and highly watched Japanese Anime...