The story of Attack on Titan starts with the humanity that is being forced to live within the three walls – Maria, Rose, and Sina with no freedom and the fear of getting killed by the giant monsters, Titans. The Survey Corps, Garrison, and Military Police Brigade protect the people within the wall by fighting back against the Titans. Attack on Titan storyline revolves around the power of the Nine Titans which differs in form and power.
The people who can turn into Titans are called the subjects of Ymir, however, there can be several Titans but the Nine Titan Shifters’ power is particular for the user and can be inherited by others by eating the former Titan user, most possibly an Eldian. The Nine Titan shifters can transform through an injury that sheds blood with the thought of transforming into one. A person who inherits the power of the Nine Titan Shifter can only live for 13 years.
Founding Titan is the strongest titan form and the first titan ever to exist among the Nine Shifters that can control all the Titans, Subject of Ymir without even transforming. The power of the founding titan includes Titan Creation, control, and manipulation of the Subjects. Eren makes use of this power to start Rumbling by awakening the Colossal Titans, however, to make use of the power and manipulate the Subjects of Ymir, however, the inheritor should be of Royal blood or in contact with the Titan with Royal blood.
If someone of Royal blood gets the power of the Nine Titan Shifters they can manipulate the other titans which is an equal power to that of the Founding Titan.Ymir Fritz gets the power of the founding titan for the first time by making contact with a glowy centipede. Eren’s version of Founding Titan was called the DoomsDay Titan. In the final part of AOT, Eren contact with Zeke, a royal blood titan to start Rumbling to destroy 80% of the human population.
The Attack Titan is also another powerful that comes with manipulation power. The notable power of this titan form is that the memory of the inheritors will be interconnected and one can see through the timeline. Eren manipulated the former inheritors Eren Kruger and Grisha Yeager as he wanted, by getting the memories of his past and future inheritors he always knew what was about to happen. Attack Titan’s power brings great strength and ability to the inheritor. Eren executed everything according to his plan by manipulating Kruger and Grisha to gain freedom. Eren made use of the Attacking Titan power to see through the future and gained the other Titan powers.
The Beast Titan’s power includes resembling the physical characteristics of any animal that varies on each inheritor. Zeke’s appearance resembles a large Giant Kong that can aim objects precisely to defeat enemies. Zeke Yeager was the commander of the Titans as he could control the Titans since he was a Royal Blood Titan. The Beast Titan as a royal blood can transform the ethnic group, Subjects of Ymir, the descendants of Ymir Fritz, into titans by screaming. However, that works only if the subject has taken Zeke’s spinal fluid into his body in some way.
Colossal Titans are the largest and tallest titans among the Nine Shifters and can wipe out a city with their feet. The titan’s power is that it can release enormous steam and blasts that will burn up the enemies and the place around attack as such an explosion. However, every powerful blast causes the thinning of the muscle tissue of the Colossal. Colossal Titans played a pivotal role in the Rumbling as they were the ones protecting the three walls by being inside of it through their hardening. Several Colossals unleash on Eren’s command and make their way in Rumbling.
War Hammer Titan was never shown much in the series but has a major part in fighting the Titans. Inheritors of War Hammer Titan can create weapons and structures from their hardened flesh in the form of a crystalline. The created weapons can never be broken by other Titans other than using the powerful mandibles of the Jaw Titan. Only the members of the Royal family, Tyber in Marley have been the inheritors of the War Hammer Titan. Eren inherits the power by killing Lara Tyber and consuming her spinal fluid.
Cart Titan has no major powers but it is mainly used for transmitting weapons for the battle. However, there are several advantages, as the inheritor can remain transformed for a longer time and can run for a longer distance without any exhaustion. This titan is the smallest and ugliest titan form of all the Nine Titan Shifters. In the series, Cart Titan usually assists the Beast Titan by equipping and collecting weapons and firepower.
The Female Titan possesses the exact appearance of a female with great physical strength and combat ability. This titan can harden any layer of its skin to protect itself and can also summon the pure titan through screaming. The series has shown that this titan has greater speed compared to other titan forms. Annie was the only inheritor of the Female Titan power, when captured by the Survey Corps she protected herself with her hardening technique.
As the name itself suggests, the Jaw Titan has powerful mandibles and a large jaw that can rip apart enemies. Jaw Titan even has the power the break the hardening of the Titans. Even though, being the smallest Titan, the Jaw Titans can approach enemies from a greater distance and reliable speed. Large teeth and sharper claws were the major power source for the inheritors of the Jaw Titan.
The Armoured Titan was introduced quite early in the show, destroying the wall Maria. The Titan has an armour-covered body making it difficult for enemies to penetrate the attack into the skin. The flesh of the Titan is covered by a thick wood-like substance and also has the power to harden its skin.