Boruto Two Blue Vortex is the sequel of the anime Boruto – Naruto Next Generations that predominantly focuses on the protagonist Boruto Uzumaki of the Leaf. The shinobi nations are settled after the Fourth Great Ninja War after the defeat of the Otsutsuki Kaguya.
The Otsutsuki Clan is the strongest clan in the Naruto series who can be referred to as the celestial beings who destroy an entire planet and make it their own. Kaguya was sent to Earth with this mission, however, the threat to the earth from Otsutsukis is even extended in Boruto as there are many Otsutsukis assigned for this mission.
Will Blue Vortex break the wall of hatred?
Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden remastered Boruto with a new storyline named Boruto-Two Blue Vortex. This sequel focuses on the time skip period of Boruto where the memory of the entire world changes. Blue Vortex is currently releasing its manga panels and not yet animated.
Kishimoto has brought back the extraordinary writing that has amazed the manga readers and the Blue Vortex Manga has surpassed One Piece and become highest selling manga panels in first half of 2024. These chapters truly made the trollers and hatred go awestruck as they started to wait eagerly for the manga every week.
Boruto to surpass Naruto’s fanbase?
Kishimoto has brought the multiverse concept into Boruto Blue Vortex and the return of a few most loved characters from Naruto. Boruto Blue Vortex Manga is all praise even though it hasn’t revealed many manga panels. Other most notable appreciation is the character design in Boruto after the time skip, the leaked character designs of Boruto, Sarada, Sasuke, and Kawaki makes the hype worth it. All of these combined, Boruto is expected easily to surpass the fanbase and fulltime growth of its prequel Naruto.