SPOILER ALERT This blog post contains spoilers regarding the popular manga release of the latest One Piece...
Shonen Jump Anime
Summary Dandadan Season 1 ends after airing 12 episodes Okarun, Momo, and Jiji gears up to fight...
Summary Two new movies are reported to come from Toei Animation A One Piece movie and a...
Summary Dandadan Season 1 is ending soon with 12 episodes Dandadan Season 2 is set to release...
Summary The final memorable words said by the hashira before their death The infinite castle arc is...
Summary All the top rated anime that ruled the viewers in 2024 Anime that aired in 2024...
Summary One Piece list of best rated episodes aired in 2024 In 2024, One Piece aired the...
Summary Animators of Toei and Ufotable to join for the next Demon Slayer movie The first Demon...
Summary Kazuki Yao bids farewell to Franky’s character as he retires He also voiced for Bon Clay,...
Summary The final arc of the Dr.Stone Season 4 is arriving on January 9, 2025 The trailer...
Summary All Deadliest Bankai shown in the Bleach Thousand Year Blood War Shunsui and Rukia’s bankai were...
Summary Dandadan’s recent episode introduced a new character named Jiji. Jiji also known as Jin Enjoji one...
Summary Founding members of the Tokyo Manji Gang – Mikey, Draken, Pah-Chin, Kazutora, and Baji Tokyo Manji...
Summary List of some of the best game adpations taken from popular anime The Big Three anime...
December 7th is the birthday of the most popular character Gojo Satoru. Gojo Satoru is a character...
Xebec D Rocks is known to be one of the most powerful pirates in the Gol D...
In Naruto, the death of every character has brought a major change in naruto’s life where the...
1. Portgas D Ace The death of Ace is the most crucial turning point of One Piece...
Boruto Two Blue Vortex is the sequel of the anime Boruto – Naruto Next Generations that predominantly...
The Wano Arc in One Piece is the major arc that connects every storyline and detail. The...