Summary Jump festa 2025 brought a lot of anime arrivals Solo Leveling, Rurouni Kenshin, Blue Box, and...
The latest News
Summary Jujutsu kaisen anime received many updates from the Jump Festa 2025 The first look of the...
Summary Two new movies are reported to come from Toei Animation A One Piece movie and a...
Summary Dandadan Season 1 is ending soon with 12 episodes Dandadan Season 2 is set to release...
Summary Toei animation is planning to two movies between 2025 and 2027 One movie will be One...
Summary One Punch Man Season 3 trailer is officially launched The season 3 will start premiere on...
Summary Animators of Toei and Ufotable to join for the next Demon Slayer movie The first Demon...
Summary Kazuki Yao bids farewell to Franky’s character as he retires He also voiced for Bon Clay,...
Summary The final arc of the Dr.Stone Season 4 is arriving on January 9, 2025 The trailer...
Summary Aniplex and Crunchyroll announced Demon Slayer – Infinite Castle movie Part One that will be released...
The next manga chapter of One Piece Chapter 1132 had delayed because of the illness of the...
The official page of the Dr.Stone series released the teaser trailer of the final seasons. Season 3...
Attack on Titan makers released the final chapter of the manga adaptation of Shingeki no Kyojin as...
Some of the most viewed famous anime will resume in 2025 with its next season. The accurate...
Solo Leveling Movie Set to Hit Screens on December 6, 2024. The movie is titled as Solo...
The famous Korean manga Solo Leveling got its anime adaptation last year, and fans are eagerly waiting...
The most popular anime One Piece written by Eichiro Oda and animated by Toei Animation is currently...
New Gen’s famous anime, Jujutsu Kaisen to have its next season in 2025? Yes, you heard it...
Wit Studios Reanimation for One Piece – Removes fillers, focuses on main story Wit Studios, which is...
The first episode of Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is out now titled “A”. The first half...