The Attack on Titan – Shingeki no Kyojin manga and anime came to an end. The story was marvelous and the character development of each character made the fans deeply attached to them. The Attack on Titan movie The Last Attack released in Japan made the fans experience a Theatrical experience of their favorite anime and along with the movie, the post-credit scene left the fans with an impact and a final conclusion of the anime.
In the post-credit scene of Attack on Titan: The Last Attack, Eren seems to live a normal life as a human along with his friends Armin and Mikasa. Armin was shown as a movie nerd and Mikasa as a goth girl. It is shown as all three of them are watching a movie and saying the final goodbye for the character of the Attack on Titan like the fans.
One of the beloved and powerful characters of Attack on Titan is Levi Ackerman. Levi lived his childhood in the underground and because of that his malnourishment and an improper environment caused Levi his growth deficiency. In this latest movie Levi is shown a normal person with a proper growth without any problems and working as a cleaner in a Theater
In the Attack on Titan Ymir suffered throughout her Journey. The curse off ymir made her a slave for 2000 years and was freed by mikasa at the end of the anime. In the post-credits she is shown as a living a peaceful life with her three childrens as a small detail and a representation of how she should have been lived if it weren’t for King Fritz.
The Tree where all the birth of the Titans happened is shown as a small detail in the “Attack on Titan: The Last Attack ” movie making the fans theorize that it might be possible that it is a same universe and all the characters now present might be the reincarnation of them. This theory will make the whole story to repeat if the war rise again.