Attack on Titan makers released the final chapter of the manga adaptation of Shingeki no Kyojin as a movie on November 8, 2024, after a year of releasing the final episode. The movie was titled “Attack on Titan—The Last Attack,” which was released in the regions of Japan for the premiere. The movie also included a new post-credit scene that was not included in the episode.
Attack On Titan – The Last Attack is a 145-minute long movie that will include both Part 1 and Part 2 of the final season of Attack On Titan. The movie will show the battle between Eren and his friends, where he wishes to eradicate 80% of humanity through Rumbling to restore peace. The final ending of the anime wasn’t liked by many viewers which they thought would be changed in the movie but the writer has just added a new end credit scene which doesn’t affect the storyline.
The Attack On Titan – The Last Attack can be expected sooner to release in India maybe in the Winter between December 2024 and February 2025, as the movie did pretty good in Japan in terms of collections. Also the movie has got a high rating of 9.5 in IMDb. The movie is also yet to be announced for other European and American regions.