Naruto is a Shonen Jump Anime written by Mashahi Kishimoto that focuses on a kid born in the leaf village whose destiny is written as a jinchuruki with the power of the fox tails that destroyed the Village of Leaf. Abandoned bt everyone as the monster of the village, he suffers loneliness and still found his ray of hope in everyone where he found his path to become the Hokage in protecting the lives of people who trusted his hopes and dreams.
A painful tale of Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto faces lots of hardship throughout his life. Throughout his journey, he constantly lived in loneliness and was rejected by everyone at such a young age. He lost his parents the day he was born and was bound to be sealed with a Nine-Tailed fox that killed his parents. He lost his sensei Jiraya because of his mission to find Akatuski’s motives for Naruto’s well-being and lost his friend Neji in the war when Neji tried to save him. The pain of watching others suffer or die because of him nearly put him in darkness.
“Once You Question Your Own Belief, It’s Over.” – Naruto Uzumaki
Gaara, being the monster of the Sand
Being a Jinjuruki even before his birth and losing his mother because of this made him an outcast in his own country. he faced loneliness and emptiness even though everyone was present in his life. Gaara lost his uncle at his hands when his uncle tried to kill him on the order of his father. The hardship he faced at such a young age made him lose himself in anger and trust issues. Shukaku found Gaara an enemy because of the seal so he often tormented Gaara and when Gaara lost consciousness Shukaku tried to destroy everything this made the whole country hate Gaara.
“If love is just a word, then why is it so painful when you realize it isn’t there?” – Gaara
Itachi Uchiha - A Sacrificial Childhood
Itachi is a young protege with a clever understanding of life and war. He lost everything after the death of his friend Shisui a reason to provoke war. Itachi tried everything he could to stop a war from rising inside the same country. At last, He was given a chance to stop the war but at the cost of killing his clan except his little brother. Even after he killed his clan his mission was not finished there, He joined Akatsuki to protect Konoha from them. He lived his life always for others, to end his sufferings and his brother’s rage on him he died at the hands of his brother. Itachi was praised by two legendary shinobi Hashirama and Madara even after his death.
“Even The Strongest Of Opponents Always Have A Weakness.” – Itachi Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake - A man who lost his everything
Kakashi’s character was changed after he lost his father. His father did not die as a shinobi instead he was looked down on as a traitor who protected his comrades instead of following the mission. This made Kakashi fall into a deep darkness and made him put his mission before anyone. Kakashi’s morals were changed after his friend Obito’s death because of his blind following in mission. Minato acknowledged Kakashi’s problem and promoted him as a guard for Kushina so his mind would ease. When He lost his mentor Minato too he came to live in a state where he doesn’t care about anything anymore.
“To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward” – Kakashi Hatake
Tsunade's past over the will of Hokage
Tsunade lost her brother and her lover because of war. The thought of losing her everything for the Konoha made her resent it. The rules and decisions that are made by the elders are also a reason for her to leave the village. The loss and trauma of losing her love of life in front of her eyes made her afraid of blood. As time passed her fear of blood was gradually reduced and she returned to Konoha all because of Naruto.
“People become stronger because they have things they cannot forget. That’s what you call growth.” – Tsunade
Neji Hyuga - Prisoned by the fate of life
Neji Hyuuga was a talented child in his clan but because of being a Branch class member, he suffered a lot. He lost his father not in a war but given as a sacrifice to the cloud village to save the Hyuuga clan by his clan members. After his father’s death, Neji started to believe in destiny and no one can change their destiny.
“The curse represents a mark of the bird in a cage… It is… the symbol of being tied down to an inescapable destiny.” – Neji Hyuga
Nagato - A painful war cry of childhood
Nagato lost both of his parents because of war at such a young age. After his parent’s death, he lived his life without shelter and food. He soon found kids of his age who also lost their families because of war and lived with his new friends Konan and Yahiko and they became his new family. Those three created Akatsuki to end the war peacefully but that all changed after Yahiko’s death Nagato changed his way of finding peace from solving the war peacefully to gaining enough power to end the war.
“Those who do not understand true pain can never understand true peace” – Pain (Nagato)
Obito Uchiha - Losing only ray of hope
Obito Uchiha was a kind and brave shinobi who always wanted to protect his comrades. After he saw his friend Rin die in front of him at the hands of Kakashi, he lost all the sense and morals that he followed. Obito knew Kakashi didn’t intentionally kill Rin and also knew what Rin made was a sacrifice to protect the Village. After that, he chose to follow in the footsteps of Madara.
“There is no such thing as hope! The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up, a word that holds no true meaning.” – Obito Uchiha
Kabuto - A man who was made evil
Kabuto doesn’t remember his childhood memories of his parents he was raised in an orphanage. He was a talented medical Ninja. When Danzo threatened to cut off the orphanage funding, Kabuto volunteered to work for him. He then spent so many years as a spy, During his Mission to Stone Village he accidentally killed his adoptive mother in that orphanage while she was also on an undercover mission of her own. Despite being the one who raised Kabuto she couldn’t remember his face because of Danzo’s manipulation.
“The more you want something, the harder it is to wait for it.” – Kabuto
Sasuke - A kid drove to vengeance
Sasuke lost everything at the age of seven. He lost his entire clan on a single night by Itachi. Itachi showed everything about how he killed the clan and his parents to Sasuke in a Tsukynomi making him suffer mentally and develop a rage on his brother to take his revenge. After killing Itachi, Sasuke came to know the truth about Uchiha Clan Massacre and Itachi’s sacrifice which pushed Sasuke into complete darkness and made him team up with Akatuski to destroy Konaha.
“It’s Not The Future I Dream Of Anymore. Only The Past.” – Sasuke Uchiha